
Materials for RPG Maker XP/VX/MV, 7 Days To Die, FPS Creator and Neverwinter Nights 2

Monthly Archives: February 2014

Grassland Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Grassland BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Lake Camp Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Lake Camp BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Village Road Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Village Road BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Desert Oasis Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Desert Oasis BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Undead Pirates Creature Pack for NWN2

Cursed PiratesThis pack includes 14 creature BPs and 1 item BP in an .erf file that can be imported into any module. Everything is fully customized regarding size, tinting, armor and weapons.

The 6 “Cursed Pirates” (pictured) are inspired by the Flying Dutchman crew from “Pirates of the Carribean” and based on Water Genasi heads with a glowing blue eyes effect. They are lvl 4 undead with skeleton properties and extra AC because of all the shells, scales and stuff overgrowing their bodies.

The 7 undead pirates have a glowing red eyes effect for a more *movielike* appearance and include male, female and bony bodies. They are lvl 3 standard skeletons with no extra AC. The rusty weapons are borrowed from my other undead pack so in case you use that also, it will give “double messages” upon importing.

“Captain Morrigans Ghost” is a lvl 6 undead armed with a ghost weapon (no combat dmg but 1D4 negative energy dmg + 1 point of CON drain). Apart from playing the boss mob he could also be a quest giver or even a companion.

The download includes the .erf file, a readme and screenshots of all characters.

Black Beast Tavern for FPS Creator

Black Beast TavernThis pack includes retextures for FPS Creator stock media to build a complete fantasy tavern including:
– 1 room segment with wooden floor and ceiling
– 3 roof segments
– 1 door (complete with soundfile for a creaking sound)
– 1 wooden stair matching the floor
– 2 stained glass windows
– 1 wall sign featuring the “Black Beast” picture

The download also includes installation guide, license text and pictures of everything for reference.

Since no meshes(=models) are included, this pack only works when used in a full version of FPS Creator Classic X9.

Free for non-commercial and commercial use.

Forest Clearing Battleback for RPG Maker XP

ClearingBBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Undead Creature Pack for NWN2

Undead CharactersThis pack comes in 2 parts, alltogether it contains 90 creature and 55 item blueprints for 34 Skeletons, 29 Zombies, and special characters like Lichs or Elemental Undead as well as rusty/rotten weapons and shields.

Level range is 1 to 8. CRs have been calculated and range from 0.33 to 5.70 for Skeletons and from 0.50 to 6.60 for Zombies, special characters from 3.00 to 8.00.
Everything is fully customized including size, tinting and descriptions. Armor is part of the BP and calculated as “natural armor” in the statistics tab.

The Undead Adventureres (pictured above) provide a kind of boss monsters and a plot idea: An NPC hires the PCs to search for a missing group of adventurers. It turns out they are not only dead but undead and to “release” their souls the PCs have to kill them. A kind of “soul-token” could be included in the quest as a drop to prove the unfortunate adventurer has been put to rest.

The download includes both parts (2 different .erf files), screenshots for all 90 undead and a readme with details of the contents.

WW2 Signs, Posters & Photos for FPS Creator

WW2 German Signs & PostersThis Pack consists of WW2 themed models made for the FPS Creator engine and is split into 2 parts.

The first part includes 10 wall signs and 15 posters in German language from the WW2 area. They are self-attaching to walls and have different sizes and placement heights to avoid uniformity when used together. According to my country’s laws and my own conviction I removed/masked all swastika symbols in the progaganda posters. Since the text is in german, a picture with analogous translations is included in the download for reference (as well as shown in this post).

The second part includes 13 large aerial pictures (some self-attaching to walls, some to be laid out on tables) and 4 smaller (still A3) photos to be laid out on tables. The wall items are slightly thicker and black/grey framed to simulate they are monted on cardboard and the edges protected for storage/handling.
A picture depicting which models are meant for walls and which for tables is included in the download for reference.

The models are all free for non-commercial and commercial use with FPS Creator or any other engine. The license text is included in the download.

Beach Battleback for RPG Maker XP

BeachBBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.