
Materials for RPG Maker XP/VX/MV, 7 Days To Die, FPS Creator and Neverwinter Nights 2

Monthly Archives: March 2014

Battlements Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Battlements BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Harbor Market Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Harbor Market BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Desert Temple Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Desert Temple BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Monastery Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Monastery BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Mountain Pass Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Mountain Pass BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Snow Village Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Snow Village BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Horror Sound Script Pack for FPS Creator

Metal Door 01This Pack includes 6 different scripts for entities or trigger zones playing randomized sounds. All scripts use only the stock sounds that are allready in the FPSC library so there is nothing else needed to run the scripts.

These scripts have been written for FPS Creator version 1.18. They will possibly not work correctly with other versions.

The download includes the scripts, install, license text and an extensive description of each script in the readme like this example:

ScaryDoorMetal – door plays random metallic banging sounds
How it works:
Made for metal doors to play random metallic banging sounds when the player comes closer than 2 segments. Randomized are the start of the sounds (0.1-2.0 secs), the number of sounds (0-3) and the time in between
the sounds(0.1-0.3 secs). After 2 minutes the script resets and will be again triggered by the player.
Examples where to use:
In exploration maps where the player has a high chance to pass by this door several times to distract or even scare the player. It should be placed in rooms or corridors at least 2 segments wide.
There should be only one of these doors in a whole level unless the level is very large and the doors are far apart from each other.


Desert Pass Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Desert Pass BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Courtyard Battleback for RPG Maker XP

Courtyard BBA battleback to be used with RPG Maker side battle systems, made with an RPG Maker XP stock tileset.
side battle system for RPG Maker XP

To download simply click the image for the full resolution version, then right-click and use the option “save picture as…”.

Humanoid Creature Pack for NWN2

HumanoidsThis pack inlcudes 115 monster blueprints and 4 magical weapon blueprints.

The download is organized into 5 different .erf files that include:
– 30 Gnolls
– 30 Goblins
– 25 Kobolds
– 20 Orcs
– 5 Bugbears, 3 Trolls and 2 Ogres
Generally the blueprints are organized into groups of 4 scouts, warriors etc with the 5th being a leader, shaman etc.

Armor varies for each group and single armor parts further vary within the group. Armor slots are tinted individually and where possible, skins have been colored in 5 diferent shades. To further avoid uniformity all creatures have been scaled (some more in height, others in width etc.) whereas low-level types are even smaller than the standard BP and leaders exceed all others of their race in size.

There is no actual armor in any slot, the AC according to the appearance has been set in the “natural armor” tab. All BPs include the necessary proficiencies and feats for the equipped weapons/shields and have been tested. Ranged weapon types have melee weapons in their inventory and the Goblin Runners carry slings in the inventory in addition to their blades. There is no additional equipment or treasure on the creatures.

They BPs are imported into subdirectories of “Humanoid” called “Custom Goblins”, Custom Gnolls”, etc.

The download includes the 5 .erf files (so each race can seperately be imported into a mod), a readme and screenshots showing all 115 blueprints